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Availability Open
Booking Yes
Species stocked Brown and Rainbow trout
Size of stockies Mixed small
(Stream) Trout (B/R).

The Broederstroom below Dap Naude Dam wall is home to small Brown and Rainbow Trout. The fish in the Broederstroom have adapted to a tough environment and are thriving and breeding. They are vulnerable and must please be treated with utmost care; barbless hooks, soft nets and minimal handling. No fish may be removed from the stream, catch and release only. Take out all rubbish. Beware of the roads when it rains, a 4 by 4 is definitely recommended.The stream is closed for the spawn between the end of May and the beginning of August. NB: For the Birders, the Pells Fishing Owl has been spotted in this area.

Please note that the Broederstoom above Dap Naude Dam is closed for angling. The reason why we do this is to protect the fish that breed in the stream and stock the dam. Maximum of three (3) one of which must be a member.